Sunday, July 13, 2008

How many people have your name?
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

The above was for my maiden name. Below are the results for my married name. I guess I'm a unique snowflake (actually, I think it's because there are fewer than 1523 people named Mariellen in the USA).
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

via Big Fat Dynamo


  1. 59 with mine!
    (I hope none of them ever commits a heinous crime that garners national attention!)

  2. 426 for my maiden name and 252 for my married name. Hehe.

    There used to be someone with my husband's name in the town we used to live in, and it was often a hassle when he went to the library. But that makes a lot more sense than when Harvey Pekar found out there was another one of him right there in Cleveland.

  3. I am not a unique snowflake.

    There are 407 people with my name in the U.S.A.

  4. Apparently there are 3,562 people in the US called Richard Edwards, which surprises me as I've never though it to be a very 'American-sounding' combination. I'd be interested to see how many Brits share my name, but there doesn't seem to be a (free) UK equivalent of the site :(

    Oh, well, guess I'm anything but a unique snowflake, but on the upside, and given that there are people I'd rather didn't know I was into fat acceptance, it makes me that little bit harder to Google!

  5. 1 or fewer for the married name; precisely 1 for the maiden name.


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