She is the voice of America's plus-sized population, a movement quickly gaining momentum in America today. POWER PLUS WOMAN, Lisa Marie Garbo, plus-sized role model and advocate speaks out on behalf of a suppressed subculture of men and women who have been without a voice, but who intend to be heard. The message is out universally about size acceptance, anti-size discrimination and equal rights for plus-sized people.
Excuse me, but no one asked me if she was speaking for me. This makes it sound like size acceptance is a monolithic movement where everyone agrees on what needs to be done and how to do it, which isn't true at all, from everything I've seen in the fatosphere so far. Is Lisa Marie Garbo involved in anything besides her Club Bounce and opening more of them in more cities? This article doesn't say, and that's what I'm more interested in knowing.
I also take exception with the following:
Power Plus Woman, Lisa Marie is dedicated to spreading the word that size-discrimination in our society leaves a lasting, negative effect on everyone.Just as the gay population was at one time discriminated against , overweight people continue to be disregarded and victimized daily. Garbo says, "With all the changes within our political and social culture, the timing for size-acceptance could not be more perfect than right now."
The gay population was at one time discriminated against? What world are they living in that they don't see the discrimination that is still continuing against the GLBTQ community? And comparing discrimination against one group with discrimination against another group doesn't account for the discrimination faced by people who belong to 2 or more discriminated-against groups (too many intersections to mention here, but y'all know what I mean, I hope).
And with all the changes in our political and social culture - give me a break. Those changes aren't going to help fat people, they're going to try and get rid of us. National healthcare (if they manage to ram that through) will end up being rationed and who is going to come out on the short end of that stick? The fat, the elderly, anyone who is seen as having a "lifestyle" that "causes" their condition. Insurance companies penalizing people who have those "lifestyles" mentioned above, or who can't meet the diagnostic standards for "health", which standards keep getting lowered all the time (the lower the standards, the more people can be diagnosed as "ill" or "diseased" and the more pills to be prescribed).
So she thinks these clubs of hers, where fat people can go to dance and socialize without the bullshit thrown at them in other venues are going to help? Yes, it's nice to have a place like that, but that is not going to change access in any public area where access is not available for fat people. Airlines aren't going to install better seating that fits a wider array of bodies, restaurants aren't going to install bigger booths, and employers aren't going to tell you they didn't hire you because you're fat, they're either not going to tell you anything at all or give some other excuse for not hiring you (which is exactly what most of them are doing right now when it comes to other groups of people who are discriminated against).
Do I think her clubs are a good idea? Yes, because it is nice to have a place to go where you don't have to worry about people making nasty comments/jokes about your size or refusing to let you in because of your size. It's nice to be able to socialize with people with whom you have things in common, but size isn't the only thing I want have in common with those with whom I socialize.
I agree that passing laws against size discrimination is something that needs to be done, but just because those laws end up on the books doesn't mean it's going to change much in society, at least not for a long time. How long have the laws about discrimination against those who have disabilities been on the books? Gains have been made, but people who have disabilities still face discrimination every day, overt and covert.
Federal and state laws declare that all persons within the United States are free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and yet with the exception of Michigan, there is not a law that pertains to size discrimination. It is Garbo's objective to see that all overweight people be shown the exact same rights as their size-acceptable counterparts.
And those laws aren't doing much to stop discrimination against POC, women, anyone who isn't "Christian", etc. Laws help, but they don't change peoples' minds, they don't end bigotry, they just drive it underground.